WIL and WIL-supportive corporate metrics

Parallelle Data: WIL and WIL-supportive corporate metrics
World Economic Forum gender gap in 2022:68.1%World Economic Forum
Women as % of U.S. population: 50.5%U.S. Census Bureau
Women as % of global population in 2022:49.7%United Nations
U.S. WIL and workforceCurrentdirectionSource*
S&P 500 board seats Q42333.5%Up from 28% in 2020 and 12% in 2000Bloomberg
S&P 500 boards with gender equality Q4235.8%Bloomberg
Fortune 500 board seats Q12431.6%Up from 26.5% in 2020 and 11.7% in 2000Gemma Q
Fortune 500 board chairs Q1248.4%Gemma Q
Fortune 500 executive positions Q12426.4%Gemma Q
Russell 1000 Index board seats Q22332.0%Up from 23.8% in 201950/50 WOB/Equilar
Russell 3000 Index board seats Q42329.4%Up from 22.6% in 2020 and 15.1% in 201650/50 WOB/Equilar
S&P CEOs 202340 (8%),em>Up from 5% in 2019Catalyst
Fortune 500 CEOs 202352 (10.4%)Up from 15 (3%) in 2010 and 2 (0.4%) in 2000Fortune
Fortune 1000 CEOs 202274 (7.4%)Women Business Collaborative
Russell 3000 CEOs 2022186 (6.2%)Up from 96 (3.2%) in 2010Women Business Collaborative
S&P 500 executive suite18.0%Women Business Collaborative
Fortune 500 top executives Q32325.0%Gemma Q
Senior management (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023)30.6%Bureau of Labor Statistics
Management (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023)41.9%Bureau of Labor Statistics
Workforce (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023)46.9%Bureau of Labor Statistics
Global WIL and workforceCurrentdirection
Global board seats 2022 (51 countries)20%Up from 16.9% in 2018 and 15% in 2016Deloitte
Global board chairs 20227%Up from 5.3% in 2018 and 3.8% in 2016Deloitte
Global CEOs 20225%Up from 4.4.% in 2018 and 3.9% in 2016Deloitte
Global CFOs 202216%Up from 12.7% in 2018Deloitte
Fortune Global 500 CEOs 202329 (5.8%)Fortune
FTSE 350 with 33% women on board 202492%Up from 63% in 2020FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 with 40% women on board 202442%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 executive+direct report 202434%Up from 31.2% in 2021FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 CEOs 20246%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 CFOs 202418%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 Executive Committee members 202428%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 women on boards 202442%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 350 women board chairs 202415%FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 100 CEOs 202411%Up from 6% in 2019FTSE Women Leaders
FTSE 100 Executive Committee members 202430%FTSE Women Leaders
Board seats in G20 countries 202322%Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative
Board chairs in G20 countries 20237%Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative
CEOs in G20 countries 20235%Sustainable Stock Exchange Initiative
MSCI ACWI board seats 202425.8%Up from 20.6% since 2020 and 17.3% since 2017 MSCI
MSCI ACWI board chairs 20249.1%Up from 4.8% in 2020 and 4.1% since 2018MSCI
MSCI ACWI CEOs 20246.5%Up from 4.8% in 2020 and 3.9% since 2017MSCI
MSCI ACWI CFOs 202418.8%Up from 15.1% in 2020 and 9.5% since 2017MSCI
MSCI World board seats 202432.5%Up from 30% since 2020 and 20.4% since 2017 MSCI
MSCI World board chairs 20249.2%Up from 4.6% since 2020 and 3.7% since 2018MSCI
MSCI World CEOs 20246.8%Up from 4.9% in 2020 and 4.2% since 2017MSCI
MSCI World CFOs 202416.4%Up from 12.1% in 2020 and 9.4% since 2017MSCI
MSCI World executive committees 202315.0%Mirova
MSCI World senior management 202225.0%Up from 21% since 2020Impax Ellevate
MSCI World middle management 202328.0%Mirova
MSCI World global workforce 202331.0%Mirova
MSCI EM board seats 202417.1%Up from 13.3% since 2020 and 10.2% since 2017 MSCI
MSCI EM board chairs 20249.0%Up from 5.1% since 2020 and 4.8% since 2018 MSCI
MSCI EM CEOs 20246.2%Up from 4.8% since 2020 and 3.3% since 2017 MSCI
MSCI EM CFOs 202421.3%Up from 18.7% since 2020 and 9.8% since 2017 MSCI
MSCI World Women’s Leadership board seats 2024 (wgt avg)40.3%MSCI
Equileap dataset board seats 202430%Up from 25% in 2021Equileap
Equileap board chairs 20249%Equileap
Equileap CEOs 20247%Equileap
Equileap CFOs 202415%Equileap
Equileap dataset executive level 202422%Up from 17% in 2021Equileap
Equileap senior management 202427%Up from 24% in 2021Equileap
Equileap workforce 202438%Equileap
Equileap % publishing ASH policies 202360%Up from 49% in 2021 and 58% in 2019Equileap
*Contact us for specific source information.
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