Gender Equality + Climate Investment Criteria

In 2021 we introduced our gender lens investment criteria and related them to the three ESG pillars. Here we update our combined gender equality and climate-focused criteria for investee entities. See the figure below. Clear boxes on the figure indicate our compilation of gender lens investment criteria, while green boxes add a climate focus. This…

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Q1 2022 Overview – Renewable Energy Funds: Through a Gender Lens

Climate crises disproportionately affect women and girls across all demographics, but especially in developing economies. Subject to persistently higher poverty (and extreme poverty) than men, women and girls are also more likely to be impacted by climate disasters. In fact, 80% of those displaced by climate change are women, according to UN statistics. Due to ongoing worldwide…

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Infographic #1: A Gender Lens in ESG Investing

How can ESG investments incorporate a gender lens? As standard setting bodies vie for leadership in ESG reporting standards, there has been a focus on the materiality of ESG metrics by company and industry. Proposed ESG standards tend to focus on metrics with material impact, defined as able to be measured and documented, on financial…

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Gender Lens + ESG Investment Criteria

As a thematic environmental, social and governance (ESG) investment strategy, gender lens investment vehicles tend to incorporate two pillars of ESG. By definition gender lens investments cover the G of ESG, relationships with internal stakeholders. Our research shows that many gender lens vehicles also incorporate a focus on the S, relationships with external stakeholders.  E,…

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